10 Reasons Not To Wait Until December For Holiday Gifting

Why does corporate holiday gifting feel like it’s always a mad scramble? Well, for one, early December is usually an incredibly busy time for many companies. And second, holiday gifting for your hundreds of customers ends up taking a lot…

Why does corporate holiday gifting feel like it’s always a mad scramble? Well, for one, early December is usually an incredibly busy time for many companies. And second, holiday gifting for your hundreds of customers ends up taking a lot longer than you thought [for those that aren’t using Alyce, of course :-)]. It’s tough for people to receive their gifts before mid-January and it’s such a challenge deciding what to send.

Here are 10 reasons you shouldn’t wait until December to do your holiday gifting:

  1. It will come across more as a “thank you” than a holiday obligation. Sending gifts around the holidays has almost become an expected gesture and has lost the personal touch. By coupling a message with your timing, you can convey a more powerful meaning.
  2. Be the “first gift”. During the holidays, many companies send corporate gifts. By sending yours at Thanksgiving, you are going to stand out from the crowd and have the first impression.
  3. People are away and traveling as the year comes to an end. During December and New Years, lots of people are traveling. You have a better chance of having a gift being received at the time intended if sent closer to Thanksgiving.
  4. Non-denominational offends no one! By sending a gift in early December, you avoid having your gift associated with any religious holidays.
  5. Show up before the rest of the other vendor gifts do. Because you are sending a gift at a time that isn’t as common, your gift and business will stand out from the crowd.
  6. You can be more creative because it doesn’t have to scream Holiday Gift. Companies can feel obligated to send the expected holiday themed gift. By doing this you are missing a vital opportunity to select something more personalized.
  7. December is a stressful time – everyone is thinking about other things. We all get distracted as the year begins to close, including your gift recipients. As a business, you have enough on your plate so don’t spend the last part of the year scrambling to send gifts. Your recipient will also appreciate being able to enjoy this gift before the holiday stress really kicks in.
  8. Thanksgiving has less expectations – more of a surprise and delight. By sending your corporate gift at an unexpected time, you will have a delightful impact that will feel deliberate and thoughtful.
  9. November is a lot less commercialized than December for gift giving. Holidays have become so commercialized and there can be a negative connotation to gifting. By sending your gesture outside of this commercial time, you put more emphasis on the meaning and the gesture.  
  10. Show your values. If you want customers to know that you care, that they matter and that you would never want them to feel like an afterthought (which is what a January holiday gift definitely says!), then gift earlier.

Best of luck gifting this holiday season! And remember, if you need help, Alyce is kind of awesome at getting those gifts out early.


Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

November 13, 2018
Mary Matton
Mary Matton

Mary Matton is the Growth Marketing Manager for Alyce, and is obsessed with all things inbound and demand gen. Outside of work, her #5to9 interests include perfecting her mobile photography, the quest for the perfect iced coffee, and spending time with the people most important to her.