17 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Alyce Gifting with Required Actions

Are you trying to determine the best use cases to attach a meeting or a question (or no required action at all) to your Alyce gifts? Here are 17 scenarios to consider.
Required Actions

Personal gifting is all about creating a sense of reciprocity with your recipient. For instance, you make an investment in the relationship. As a result, your recipient takes the next step in that relationship with you. However, it’s important to consider what the appropriate next steps are in a relationship given your customer’s journey with you. Using a gift Required Action through Alyce in the right place and way is a sure-fire way to get them there.

How to think about a gift Required Action

For instance, if you’re using Alyce for door openers or accelerating deals, it is common to require the recipient to schedule a meeting.

However, say you are using Alyce for customer loyalty, relationship management, or expansion. As a result, you likely do not want to be requiring your recipient to book a meeting with you. Meanwhile, you may want to get valuable insights from a softer CTA like an open-ended question.

Below are 17 use cases to consider when determining the most appropriate way to use the Required Action functionality within Alyce when sending gifts to clients or prospects:


Meeting required scenarios:

In these scenarios, we recommend using the meeting booking Required Action as a way to get the next conversation going.


  • Unable to secure a meeting after back and forth emails 

Use case: You’ve been emailing/leaving voicemails with a prospect or customer trying to book a date and time to meet.

Solution: Use a gift Required Action to book the next meeting. In the message say, “I have attached my calendar to this invitation so we can find a time to chat that works for both of us!”.

  • Leads gone dark after initial conversations

Use case: You’ve already had a great demo or discovery call with a prospect. Further, you’ve been trying to get them back to the table without success.

Solution: Use a gift Required Action to thank them for their time and book your next team call with them.

  • Post-discovery/demo thank you 

Use case: You had a great demo or discovery call. As a result, you want to thank your prospect.

Solution: Complete two tasks at once – show your gratitude and secure the next meeting all in one fell swoop!

  • Introduction to a new line of business for a discovery call

Use case: You got the contact information for a new department or line of business from a customer or connection.

Solution: Use a gift Required Action to get the new contact on the phone to discuss how your solution can benefit them.

  • Nearing the end of your sales process (emailed, called, LI message) with no response

Use case: You’ve called, you’ve emailed, you’ve sent LinkedIn messages. As a result, you’re nearing your breakup email.

Solution: Send an Alyce gift invitation to show your recipient you want to build a relationship and make booking a meeting easy for them.

  • Prospect said to contact again at a future date 

Use case: You heard back from your contact that they are currently in contract with another solution, or don’t have the budget right now. As a result, they tell you to reach back out in 6 months.

Solution: Mark the date on your calendar. When the time comes, send a gift with a gift Required Action to re-engage them with a follow-up conversation.

  • Event follow-up

Use case: You have a list of attendees from a recent event. Subsequently, you want to secure the next steps while the event is fresh in their minds.

Solution: Send a gift to thank them for coming, and ask to hop on a call to hear what they enjoyed most about the event!


Question required scenarios:

In these scenarios, we recommend using the question Required Action as a way to extract more information from your gift recipient.


  • Soft intro to a new/cold contact

Use case: You know this contact is the person you want to chat with. Meanwhile, the end goal is a meeting but it’s too early in the sales process to ask for one.

Solution: Use a gift Required Action to gather some information that can help you start a conversation.

Question examples:

  1. What are you doing to solve X problem today?
  2. Do you have a current solution similar to [company]?
  3. How are you handling (insert value prop) currently?
  • Pipeline progression/acceleration

Use case: You’ve been having great conversations with your prospect. However, things aren’t moving at the speed you’d like them to.

Solution: Use a gift Required Action to gather information or spark a new idea with your champion.

Question example: If you know why things aren’t moving, ask a specific question around the issue. For example, “Does your legal team have any questions on the contract you’d like us to answer?”

  • Gathering information from a new prospect/new line of business/new department

Use case: You have the contact information for your target prospect within a new account, new department, or who manages a new line of business. You have sent them messages. After that, you’re ready to really get some information from them.

Solution: Use a gift Required Action to gather information from them.

Question example: What product line(s) within [company] are you more interested in learning more about?

  • Getting a referral 

Use case: You want to ask for contact information for a colleague in another department or company.

Solution: Send a gift to thank a current customer for being awesome, and include a question to gather intel about a colleague of theirs.

Question examples:

  1. Who is the best person to contact in X department?
  2. I noticed you are connected with X person on LinkedIn. Are you willing to introduce me?
  • Customer temperature (red/yellow/green) 

Use case: You’re looking to get information about the health score of your customers.

Solution: Send them a gift to thank them for their partnership while asking how they feel about the partnership.

Question example: How would you rate your satisfaction with [company] to date? Please answer Red, Yellow, Green.

  • Went through sales motion with no response

Use case: You’ve sent emails, you’ve left messages, you’ve sent LinkedIn messages. You haven’t heard back. Subsequently, the break-up email is coming. But, let’s give it one more try!

Solution: Use a gift Required Action to get some information about when a better time to connect would be.

Question example: If now is not the best time to connect on (INSERT VALUE PROP), let me know when would be a better time to reach out!

  • Event follow-up 

Use case: Your company just hosted or attended an awesome event. As a result, you have a list of hot leads you are ready to follow-up with.

Solution: Send a gift related to the event to your recipient to thank them for coming and continue the conversation.

Question examples:

  1. What did you enjoy most about the event?
  2. What are you most interested in learning more about?


No required action scenarios:

In these scenarios, we recommend not using the Required Action. For example, exercise no strings attached gifting to strengthen your relationships.


  • Thank you gifts (champion, customer, referral) 

Use case: You have been working with an internal champion that has been pushing your solution in their account, a customer that has been a great partner, or you received a referral from someone.

Solution: Send them a thank you gift with no gift Required Action to deepen the relationship and show your gratitude.

  • Life events: promotion, work anniversary, new baby/pet, birthday

Use case: You follow your prospects/customers on social media. Consequently, you see they recently had a life event or have one coming up (or they told you about one).

Solution: Show that you care and send them a gift to surprise, delight, and celebrate the occasion!

  • Poor onboarding experience/customer experience 

Use case: Things go wrong – that’s okay. Most importantly, let’s turn the negative experience into a positive one.

Solution: If your customer has a less than perfect experience with your company or product, send them a gift to admit the mistake and show that you’re dedicated to moving forward positively!


Begin with the end in mind

In short, gifting campaigns don’t always have to result in a booked meeting. Similarly, gifting is a great way to play the long game to stay top of mind, build brand affinity, and deepen your relationship with your customers and prospects.

November 9, 2020
Mary Matton
Mary Matton

Mary Matton is the Growth Marketing Manager for Alyce, and is obsessed with all things inbound and demand gen. Outside of work, her #5to9 interests include perfecting her mobile photography, the quest for the perfect iced coffee, and spending time with the people most important to her.