Alyce All-Stars Featuring Autum Molay

Meet book worm, pacific Northwesterner, and amateur graphic designer Autum Molay and learn why she's a Personal Experience All-Star.

About this program

The Alyce All-Stars program exists to highlight Alyce Customers and Friends who have mastered the art of ā€œpersonal experience.ā€

An All-Star prioritizes Building Rapport, Earning Trust, and Generating Loyalty over making someone feel like just another face in the crowd.

All-Stars challenge the status quo and ā€“ while theyā€™re not officially Alyce employees ā€“ we consider them an extension of our team. They find creative ways to infuse our core values of Give First, Give Consistently, Be Crafty, Seize the Present, and Unwrap the Possibility into their unique way of doing business.

This weekā€™s All-Star is Autum Molay, Director of Demand Generation at Momentive!

Autum Molay Alyce All Star

Learn More About Autum Molay

Q: Share with us some of your personal interests?
Iā€™m a big reader, my kids call me boring book mom. I think I would save my kindle in a fire if given the choice. Then aside from that weā€™re big TV and movie streamers. I think we have every OTT subscription that exists currently and weā€™re definitely the binge watchers that Netflix wants. And I have two children and a dog so they take up a good chunk of my time as well.

Q: What was your first screen name?
I donā€™t actually remember but it was probably really boring.

Q: What song is on repeat right now for you?
Iā€™m a pretty big 21 Pilots fan and I was raised on 90s country music. My mom was all about 90ā€™s country so its nostalgic for me to listen to.

Q: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I was a weird kid and knew exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up and I kind of did it. I wanted to be a journalist and used to go around and do interviews and created a weekly newspaper. I majored in communications in college and then went to Northwestern and got my masters in journalism.

Q: Whatā€™s your favorite thing about the place where you live? Why and how do you take advantage of it?
My dad worked for the government the majority of my childhood years and we moved all over the Pacific Northwest. So currently Iā€™m in the Portland Metro Area on the Washington State side and my favorite part about living here is the proximity to the mountains, the ocean, and how green everything is here all the time. I spent a good deal of time in the midwest and I appreciate the people and the place but I need the air coming off the ocean and the greenery of the coast. Plus Iā€™m one of those weird people who likes the rain so I love it here.

Q: What would be the title of your memoir?
Forest And The Trees – so talking about the long term and the short term of my life.

Q: Whatā€™s something you consider yourself to be ok at but not great at?
Graphic design. Itā€™s one of those things where Iā€™m not super artistic with drawing but I dabble a bit in graphic design. Mostly creating my own greeting cards for all my friends because Iā€™ve never been happy with whatā€™s at the store.

Q: What is the best gift you have ever received?
Early on, when we were dating, my husband made a video slideshow for me. I had just moved to Illinois and was pretty homesick. He went to my parents house and scanned a bunch of photos and made a video slideshow for me.

Q: Beach, safari, or forest vacation?
Probably Forest, because thatā€™s what we do in our family for our vacations.

Q: If you could give a piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?
I think I would tell myself to chill out. Everything is not a race. Iā€™ve always been pretty driven and I should have just relaxed a little bit. You can take your time, enjoy it and have some fun.

Q: Would you rather be an olympic gold medalist or win a nobel prize? And why?
I think Iā€™d rather win a Nobel Prize. I like that thereā€™s a contribution to society that can have a real impact on real people.

Q: Are you a morning person or a night owl? How do you like to start your day?
Iā€™m a night owl. I really wish I could be a morning person but I canā€™t.

Q: How did you meet your childhood best friend?
I had a whole crowd of kids in my neighborhood growing up where we would just ride our bikes around the town together and wouldnā€™t come home until dinner. So we met in that group.

Q: If you could live through any event in history, what event would that be? Why would you want to live through that event?
I feel like thereā€™s been no better time to be a woman than right now. All other points in history have had some real downsides for women. But I would have liked to see womenā€™s suffrage. I think thatā€™s a pretty cool point in history. Other than that I think I would have wanted to be a young adult in the 90s. I feel like it was a really good time to be able to experience the world on an upswing.


August 20, 2021
Mary Matton
Mary Matton

Mary Matton is the Growth Marketing Manager for Alyce, and is obsessed with all things inbound and demand gen. Outside of work, her #5to9 interests include perfecting her mobile photography, the quest for the perfect iced coffee, and spending time with the people most important to her.