Personal Experience
Move from brand ‘touches’ to delivering a Personal Experience. Learn how to apply Personal Experience principles to your marketing campaigns.
What Does The #5to9™ Mean To Your Clients?
Stop selling. Stop marketing. Stop servicing.
Start bonding.
Personalization and Personal are Not the Same Thing
Personalization is the repeatable process to create something that appears individualized. Personal is something far more individualistic and even emotive.
What is a Moment?
Solidify a bond with your customers and prospects by turning touches into moments.
Making The Switch To Personal: 8 Takeaways from YOUniverse
Did you miss out on our virtual event YOUniverse? No need to re-watch the sessions if you don't have time, read these 8 takeaways from YOuniverse speakers.
Creating a New Category: The Personal Business Experience
When I had my daughter, I realized the world wasn’t about “me” anymore. Every “me” became “you”. This new “you” approach from raising my daughter opened my eyes to the fact that the world just needs more “you.” So I built the core of the business to be all about “you.” The vision. The business model. The values. The experience.
Where Personalization Misses The Mark in Customer Experience
With vendors all looking the same and the logical decision-making happening without you, the only way you can win new business these days is to figure out how to stimulate an emotional responses throughout the customer experience.
The Alyce Match Program
Everyone loves to give back. That's why we added charitable donations as a gift in our product and match the most popular charitable donation every quarter.
Ultimate Gifting Guide: Relatable, Respectful, and Relevant Gifts
Let me tell you a story about the time my father received the worst piece of direct mail, ever. It happened just after he lost his parents. And if you’ve never lost anyone close or had to make arrangements after…
The TL;DR of the Creating Community and Customer Connectivity Webinar
Building trust is what marketers and sales reps need to start doing sooner rather than later. By creating relationships with customers, you create a network larger than your own business to provide a trustworthy voice surrounding your brand and product.
How We Digitized Our Own Gifting Strategy While Staying Personal
And up until a few weeks ago, we were using Alyce in it’s traditional model. Like every marketing team out there we’ve had to pivot our strategies away from the way we had previously been executing most programs. Quickly.
Engage Your Virtual Event Attendees with Conference Swag
Alyce ran a webinar about how to make the most out of physical events going digital. Check out the TL;DR version of that webinar below!