
Personal Experience

Move from brand ‘touches’ to delivering a Personal Experience. Learn how to apply Personal Experience principles to your marketing campaigns.

TL;DR of the Lets Get Phygital Webinar: Bring The Physical To The Digital World

Last week, our director of demand gen, Nina Butler, and director of customer marketing, MK Getler, put on a webinar we called “Let’s Get Phygital”, where they explored how you can stay personal with your digital events and bring the physical world into the digital world.

Calzones & Empathy: The Psychology of Being Personal

Having empathy for others is integral to building personal relationships. But what does this look like in a business context, and furthermore, what is the true value it affords?

I’m a Person, Not a Persona. Why Persona Selling is Not Personal

As marketers and sellers, we’ve all been guilty of selling to the persona at one point in time. However, creating relationships, and tugging on the strings of what someone actually cares about outside of their 9 to 5 is what gets an emotional response and makes someone want to buy from you.

Creating a Personal Customer Experience vs Personalized Marketing

Personalization is merely a surface-level understanding of a customer; a small attempt to provide better service by being relevant. But it’s not personal. Chet was personal.