How To Create Cohesive ABM Programs With Gifting

Creating cohesive ABM programs will ensure your VIP prospects get the VIP treatment no matter where they are in the buyer's journey.
Creating a cohesive ABM program with Custom Branded Landing Pages

One of the hottest changes to the world of marketing has been the move to Account Based Marketing. 

With Account Based Marketing, teams have started to focus their marketing and sales efforts on engaging specific accounts, creating a personal buying experience tailored to that company’s needs, and running programming that’s as close to one-to-one engagements as possible.  

And teams are starting to allocate budget to creating more personal experiences for their dream customers. 

According to a Demandbase report on the State of Account Based Marketing, companies reported an average of 20% of their marketing budget was dedicated to ABM in 2019, with an expected increase to 28% in 2020. 

So what kinds of cohesive ABM programs should you be running with that additional budget?

With a 4x higher response rate and the ability to elicit a stronger emotional response from your campaigns, leading marketing and sales teams are turning to corporate gifting and direct mail campaigns to create stronger bonds with their VIP prospects and customers.

Traditional Direct Mail usually cannot be super customized, but Alyce isn’t traditional direct mail. 

With a digital-first model and a recipient centric approach, you can use Alyce to create personal ABM direct mail experiences with our gifting ideas.

How Do You Create Personal ABM Experiences With Gifting? 

From event invitations to meeting booking and sales accelerators, gifting programs can be used across the buyer’s journey. 

Creating a cohesive ABM program across the buyers journey

Creating custom, contextual, and cohesive ABM programs alongside your gifting experiences is the best way to see the greatest results from your account based marketing campaigns.

Marketing Charts reported in 2019 that direct mail – when integrated within a multi-channel strategy and contextualized within the customer journey – outperformed some of the most reliable channels such as email, outbound business development, and SEM.

So we’re not saying scrap all of your account based marketing programming and replace it with gifting. We’re saying create contextual gifting offers by integrating them into your ongoing programs.

With Alyce Custom Branded landing pages, you can create contextual, personal gift offers for your target accounts while offering them a recipient-centric gift to further their journey in the buying cycle.

Custom Branded Landing Page ABM Campaign Ideas and Examples

Whether your accounts are in the awareness or consideration stage, or your one call away from closing a deal, you can leverage gifting to move the account farther along in their journey. 

Event Branded Gifting Landing Pages

Whether you have custom event swag, are trying to drive registrations, or are thanking your attendees after your event, branding your gifting landing page for your event will create a holistic, contextual experience that will tie your event together. 

Bonus tip: Add a Post-Gift CTA to your event landing page or post-event NPS survey to keep the customer engaged after they accept your gift! 

Event Landing Page Example Cohesive ABM Campaigns

Custom Account Gift Redemption Pages

Account prospecting is one of the most popular gifting use cases, and when it comes to engaging your target audience with a gift, your gift redemption landing page should be as personal as your gift offer. 

By creating account based marketing or industry specific gift redemption landing pages, you can tie your gifting experience to the other marketing and sales collateral that account will inevitably receive from your business. 

Creating a cohesive ABM program through sales prospecting landing pages


Customer Thank You’s And Review Requests

Gifting and ABM doesn’t happen when a contract is signed and a deal is closed! Gifting and personal Account Based Experiences can be used post-sale – and are growing in popularity. 

Whether you’re asking for reviews, thanking a customer for a referral, or just showing your customers some appreciation, creating a custom themed gift redemption landing page can tie your whole campaign together.

Bonus tip: Add a custom video thanking your customer for their participation to add a personal touch to your customer outreach. It’s the little things that matter that will create more cohesive ABM programs.  

Customer engagement cohesive abm program example

Cohesive Messaging And Branding Is Your Key To ABM Success

You’ve worked hard to create an engagement plan for your dream customers. Consistently in visuals, copy, and offers will ensure that your account based marketing programming drives the most success possible for your business. 

Using Alyce Custom Branded Gift Redemption Landing Pages you can ensure that your corporate gifting and direct mail offers fit right into your account programming, drive the action you’re looking for, and leave a lasting impact that will create a customer for life. 

July 12, 2021
Mary Matton
Mary Matton

Mary Matton is the Growth Marketing Manager for Alyce, and is obsessed with all things inbound and demand gen. Outside of work, her #5to9 interests include perfecting her mobile photography, the quest for the perfect iced coffee, and spending time with the people most important to her.